
35.22 -紧急疏散程序


  • 位置: 环境健康和安全主任
  • 电子邮件: safety@bigjonbear.com

最后更新: 二零零五年八月十八日

A. 一般. All university employees and students should be aware of emergency evacuation procedures. The Environmental 健康 and 安全 Office has developed general emergency evacuation procedures and each department should supplement these procedures with departmental specific information. It is recommended that these procedures be posted in every department and distributed to all building occupants.

B. 过程. Each department is responsible for ensuring that their employees and students are aware of the proper emergency evacuation procedures. Each department is also required to develop additional evacuation procedures that account for activities being conducted in the department, account for all individuals after an evacuation, 等. Environmental 健康 and 安全 personnel can assist departments in developing and reviewing these procedures.

C. 程序.

C-1. 一般程序. All occupants are required to evacuate the building immediately when a fire alarm sounds or other evacuation signal is given.


ii) Close all the doors to the room of fire origin 或者其他危险 when leaving.

iii) Activate the fire alarm at the nearest manual station located in the hallway, if necessary.

iv) Leave the building through the nearest exit.

v) Do not use the elevator; use the stairwell or proceed to the Area for Evacuation Assistance.

不要让任何门在你身后开着. 如果可能,打开并关闭所有的门.

vii) Never open doors that feel hot to the touch, use a different exit.

viii) Never attempt to travel through smoke-filled or other imminently hazardous area. If you encounter smoke in stairwells, close the door and use a different exit.

ix) After evacuation, move away from the building. 切勿在出口或消防通道附近集结.

C-2. 如果你被困住 Due to Smoke, Heat, Flames, or Other Hazard. 万一你被烟雾困住, 热, 火焰, 或者其他危险, 使用以下程序.

i)关上房间的门. Seal door cracks and ventilation grilles with cloth or wetted towels or clothing if possible.

ii) Use the telephone to call 9-911 and let them know your location. Hang an article of clothing, large enough for rescuers to see, out the window.

iii) If smoke enters the room, open the window to let it out. 如果外面有烟进来,关上窗户. Tie a cloth or piece of clothing around your nose and mouth to filter out smoke if necessary.

iv) Stay close to the floor where the air is cleaner.

C-3. 撤离计划. Each departmental administrator is required to establish and maintain an evacuation plan for building occupants. Evacuation plans should consist of written statements describing exit routes and the expected response of personnel to an alarm or other call for evacuation.

i) The evacuation plan should address, as appropriate, the following situations.

a) The needs of persons with disabilities, e.g.视力或听力障碍.

b) Scientific experiments or demonstrations in progress.

c) Hazardous or volatile substances in use or processes in progress.


e) Sensitive or valuable items to be secured.

f) Assembly areas after evacuation and accounting for personnel.

ii) All building occupants should be familiar with evacuation plans through employee orientations and/or training sessions provided or arranged by the department administrator.

iii) Copies of the plan should be submitted to the Environmental 健康 and 安全 Office and posted in the work area.

C-4. 公共及会议大楼. Public or assembly buildings are those buildings that may contain large numbers of persons gathered in one area, or buildings that may contain a large group gathered for a specific event (e.g., P1FCU-Kibbie Activity Center, Administration Auditorium, Hartung T热er, Borah T热er, 等.).

i) Activities within public or assembly-type buildings may require building-specific evacuation procedures that necessitate the involvement of building or event staff to aid evacuees.

ii) Assembly buildings differ from the office or classroom setting in that some occupants may be in the building for the first time and may be unfamiliar with the location of exits.

iii) Managers or administrators of buildings housing such activities should consult with the Fire 安全 Specialist in the Environmental 健康 and 安全 Office to formulate a unique procedure for evacuation for their facility and proper training of personnel.

D. 信息. 了解更多信息, please contact the Environmental 健康 and 安全 Office at (208) 885-6524.



布鲁斯·米. 皮特曼中心


